Innovation + Entrepreneurship

Salah satu nasehat dari dosen saya, Tn HJNOOR, dan sepertinya gak pantas untuk dilupakan.

Entrepreneurship and Innovations in E-Business:
An Integrative Perspective

“Innovation comes from ideas of creativity, either generated and all new product/services or an improved/modified/blended from a number of products/services/ideas to form a new creative product. it is with joy that I have developed a new product. Wow!! I am going to be rich! I know this product will sell!! and bla..bla..bla.. Note that Innovation and Creativity will not sell if you could not find the opportunity to match/blend the innovative creation with the needs of the consumers”.

  • Who wants to use my newly created product?(Type of target customers you set-People)
  • How can this new product help the users?(Benefits,quality,user-friendly - Product)
  • How should I set the price acceptable to consumers needs? (Pricing issue)
  • Where are my targeted customers located? (Place, zones)
What should I do to attract the attention of the public? I know my product is of good quality, with all the benefits identified, but how do I tell this to the public? (Effectiveness of Promotion).
Enterprise: Entrepreneurship and Innovation:
Skills and Resources for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

“Basic questions raised - available in the 6 P's of marketing. Questions, how effective the entrepreneur make full use of the P's to their advantage. Why the failure, even when they use the 6 P's?” (HJNOOR, January 26,2010)

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