being mother be entrepreneur

My two years old toddler, Zafran, inspiring me every day from morning he wakes up to night when he go to sleep. Well, what I see him spontaneously action in his world by luck: speaking, questioning, crying, climbing, following etc.

To be honest I’m kind of person happy hearing short sentences from toddler, it is amazing to realize he speaks new words every day. My guessing he quickly learns from surrounding: family members, his Oma, Opa, TV, neighbor, some students at home, his papa & me.

my two years birthday cake

Street advertisement I found says “stay close with your kid” really work on me right now. Yes, I’m becoming an everyday mother. What a big challenge is he playing with anything he wants: food, drinking water, electricity cable, TV, car’s tires, carpenter tools etc and his favorite is electricity cable?. Yes it is. My job is just not to stop him and make sure everything in control. The direct implication for me having restless feet and lack in energy, how to handle by creatively created a strategy to stay happy for both me and him. Even for going to the bath room, he will follow!

And at the end of the day, sleeping could be a better moment to control the situation back to normal and bring him to be calmer.

My thinking: “being a mother is being an entrepreneur, all about leading, managing, controlling, directing, and protecting your kid as your business”.. Sound serious but really it is.

 Happy an everyday mother!

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